Snow finally arrived and gave my grand winter-riding plans a dose of reality. The reality is I need more gear if I’m going to ride across ice-covered pavement in minus 15C temperature for an hour each day. Are my MEC Roubaix stretchypants warm? Yes…for a while, but they’re not made for out and out winter and -10 seems to be the limit on their own. Do I like my smooth street slicks? Yes, but the traction they provide on the frozen puddles on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being sticky, 1 not) is like Robert Downey Jr. – less than 0. I need snowmobiling quality mitts to keep the brake lever fingers functional but bicycle controls are not designed for mitts. And what about my water? And that guy with his blinding, flashing helmet light?
So all the bravado and bluster came to naught at the first sign of ice-slicked roads. Studded tires are widely available but highly-rated ones are $130 each. While I have no doubt they’re worth every penny, I don’t have those pennies in my pocket, especially as we approach Christmas. Same for the $200 aluminium-fiber Pearl iZumi tights

Pearl's Aluminium-containing winter tights modeled by someone who unexpectedly slipped off of both pedals.
It goes without saying I can’t afford to stray over to the Assos line either. Besides, I haven’t perfected my what you looking at Assos stance.
I believe this is my excuse to buy an indoor trainer. Just need a few more pennies.
In the meantime, I’m going a bit nuts. I’m bored out of my ever lovin’ mind. None of my normal pursuits capture my attention. Standing in a library surrounded by books – which are my 2nd most expensive habit – I’m bored. Pick up my favourite technical manual – bored. A programming book? Meh. A hardware guide…nope. I look out at my car and a long list of suitable to-do tasks reels off in my mind. I resolve to do none of them. I head out to the garage anyway and stare at the disarray of completed-but-not-cleaned-up projects that took over during the summer and quickly leave lest I trip, fall, hit my head and die alone, hidden in the mess that was once my mechanical sanctuary.
Food has lost its flavour and it’s fun, I’m craving everything yet nothing scratches the itch. Television? Whatever. A movie? Bored. I’m bored of the internet. Of Facebook. My email. Work. Play. Sleep. If it is true that only a boring person can be bored, I’ve become a very boring man indeed.
I’m impressed by your Less Than Zero reference. I didn’t think anyone but me remembered that movie!
Your boredom leads me to believe you require a new challenge…we must come up with one we can work on together for a chance!