
It was 6 degrees and raining with a 24km/h wind so I didn’t ride today.  I must admit to being somewhat relieved after yesterday’s adventure.  In future, if I’m to attempt the Big Ride or some variation thereof, it ought to be on Saturday, or if it must be on Sunday, then a long weekend Sunday.  I need a day to recover – I was only marginally more functional than a flat tire today.  That’s probably not fair to flat tires.

This does bring into question my commitment to ride as late and long as possible.  If I’m not prepared to ride when it’s marginally above freezing, where am I going to be when it’s well below and everything is covered with snow?  You know what really sealed the deal though?  That wind.  As summer is slowly turning into fall, the normal wind direction has changed.  It’s no longer a predictable from-the-northish in the morning to push me to work and from-the-southish to push me home.  It’s windy more often and it’s stronger.  At least that’s my perception and my perception is never wrong.  Ever.

Wind is my nemesis.  A foe that cannot be predicted, calculated or practiced.  You could go and find yourself a climb and ride it repeatedly until you’ve tamed it.  You can plan your route around the hills or pick the easiest ones if you’re in “recovery” mode.  Not with wind.  It doesn’t care if you’re late for work and feeling sluggish – it’s happy to push you backwards requiring precisely 3 times your maximum sustained output to pass a speed-walker.  It cares not one whit if you’re already struggling up one of those aforementioned climbs-to-be-tamed and will gleefully add to your miserable struggle. It delights in changing directions such that you have a headwind at all times.

Despite my best (okay maybe more like passing effort) I haven’t convinced myself that a headwind is like a snap-quiz for climbing.  The best that can be said of the wind is that I endure it…when I have to. Forecast for tomorrow? 3 degrees at departure time. With a (light) headwind. But no rain :D

Something more inspiring:  It’s not my style of riding – my style is grunt-n-puff – but it is stellar. Best described as bicycle parkour.  Enjoy.

Danny MacAskill, Long Way Home