One thought on “Be Careful Out There

  1. I must admit I somewhat envy the determination and all-out effort you have put into riding this summer, but I have to say that knowing you as well as I do, nothing less would have been acceptable to you or made you even a little bit happy. You do most things with total energy and abandon! I don’t remember anything really defeating you because in the end, you always accomplished what you set out to do.

    I very occasionally think that riding a bike might be fun again but the memories of my last, and final, bike ride are somewhat painful. I used Dad’s 3-speed and wobbled down the street trying to find the exact spot I needed to hold the bars in order to finally go straight. Cars always cut me a wide swath when they passed on my side of the road. We (the group of mothers I pedalled with) had travelled a few more blocks than usual and when I got home, I was beat. Those days one didn’t carry a water bottle – I don’t think they existed, so I was always hot and thirsty when I got home and that evening, I remember thinking that a really big glass of water would sure fit the bill. As I coasted to a stop alongside the fence, I took to wobbling again and ended up in a tangle of arms, legs and bicycle. My knees and one arm took the brunt of the fall but my pride had a huge dent in it that could not be repaired. Surely the whole world, at least all members of the three families who could see that part of our yard, had watched me go down and must have gasped in alarm. I picked myself and the bike up, brought it into the yard and limped up the steps into the house where I had my large glass of water and made the decision that I wouldn’t be riding a bike anytime soon.

    So, here’s to you, my son, I lift my glass of coffee Vi-Shake. Salute! Be safe and enjoy the ride!

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